The newest addition to Old McCaskill's Farm is a DHEC approved canning kitchen. On Thursdays (seasonally), we can jams, jellies, pickles, relishes and seasonal vegetables that are grown here on the farm.
We offer canning classes and demonstrations to those who have an interest in preserving their own food.
377 Cantey Lane
Rembert, SC 29128
803-432-9537 (home) 803-600-3980 (cell)
We carry an entire line of canning supplies that include jars, water bath and pressure canners. Come to one of our canning classes and take advantage of a 10% discount!
Want to know when we are having another canning class? Join our mailing list and we'll keep you informed.
In addition to our canning classes, our daughter Ashley serves lunch on Fridays. This farm lunch is first come first serve and starts at 11:30am. To know what we are serving, and to know when we are offering our canning classes, make sure you join our mailing list!
All fruits and vegetables we can are either grown right here on the farm or are from local farmers. Here at the farm we produce vegetables that are completely organically produced using the good old stuff from the barnyard!